June is Men’s Mental Health

June is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month. Let’s talk about it:

Despite the growing awareness of mental health issues, men continue to be an underserved population in therapy and mental health services. Studies show that men are less likely to seek mental health treatment than women. Historically, men have been conditioned to suppress their emotions, often being told to “man up” or “tough it out.”; This cultural expectation has profound implications, contributing to a significant disparity in mental health treatment between men and women. Below are some alarming statistics that highlight the critical need for effective mental health interventions for men.

 According to the National Institute of Mental Health, only about 1 in 4 men with a
mental health condition seek professional help, compared to nearly 1 in 2

Men are disproportionately affected by suicide. The American Foundation for
Suicide Prevention reports that men die by suicide at a rate nearly 4 times higher
than women.


Breaking Down Barriers: The Importance of Mental Health Treatment for Men and
Addressing the mental health needs of men is not just a matter of public health but also a societal imperative. Below are some key reasons why mental health treatment for men is crucial in addition to ways to offer support to the boys and men in your life:
1. Improving Quality of Life: Mental health issues can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. Untreated mental health conditions can lead to a range of problems, including substance abuse, relationship issues, and decreased productivity. By seeking treatment, men can improve their overall well-being and lead more fulfilling lives.

2. Reducing Suicide Rates: Given the high rate of suicide among men, access to mental
health services can be life-saving. Therapy and other mental health treatments can
provide men with the tools to manage their symptoms, develop coping strategies, and
find hope in their darkest moments.

3. Encouraging Emotional Expression: Therapy can help men break free from the
societal norms that dictate emotional suppression. By learning to express their feelings in a healthy way, men can build stronger relationships and develop a more profound understanding of themselves.

4. Addressing Co-Occurring Disorders: Many men who struggle with mental health
issues also face co-occurring disorders, such as substance abuse. Integrated treatment that addresses both mental health and substance use can lead to better outcomes and a more holistic approach to recovery.

5. Encourage Open Dialogue: Creating environments where men feel comfortable
discussing their mental health is crucial. This can be facilitated through family and
friends, support groups, workplace wellness programs, and public figures speaking
openly about their own mental health struggles.

6. Challenge Stereotypes: Society must continue to challenge and change the
stereotypes that prevent men from seeking help. This involves promoting diverse

representations of masculinity and emphasizing that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Men’s mental health is an underdiscussed issue in our society. By recognizing the unique barriers men face and working to create a more supportive and accessible mental health care system, we can help men lead healthier, happier lives. Its time to break the silence and ensure that men receive the mental health treatment they need and deserve.




Preparing For a Fulfilling Summer: A Guide For Parents

As the days grow longer and the school year winds down, parents everywhere begin to think
about how to make the most of the summer months. While summer is a time for relaxation and
fun, it’s also an opportunity for growth, learning, and creating lasting memories with your
children. Here are some key topics you might want to consider as summer approaches.

1. Planning Engaging Activities
One of the biggest challenges for parents is keeping their children engaged and entertained
throughout the summer. Consider a mix of activities that include:
Outdoor Adventures: Nature hikes, picnics in the park, and beach days can be great
ways to enjoy the sunshine and stay active.
Creative Projects: Encourage your child’s creativity with arts and crafts, DIY projects, or
even writing and storytelling.
Educational Outings: Visits to museums, science centers, and historical sites can be
both fun and educational.
Summer camps: Look into local daily, weekly, or monthly camps that your child may be
interested in to provide some independence, socialization, and a break from their normal
routine at home
Therapy groups: Improve your child’s social-emotional learning through one of our
wonderful in-house summer groups such as tween empowerment, ADHD mini clinics, or
preschool social skills
2. Balancing Screen Time
With more free time, children may be inclined to spend more hours in front of screens. Establish
clear guidelines for screen time to ensure it's balanced with physical activity, social interactions,
and other enriching activities. Encourage breaks and provide alternatives such as reading,
puzzles, or outdoor play.
3. Fostering Independence
Summer is an ideal time to help your child develop independence and life skills. Teach them
how to cook simple meals, manage a budget with a small allowance, or take responsibility for
certain household chores. These skills will serve them well beyond the summer months.
4. Prioritizing Mental Health
The change in routine can be stressful for some children. Keep an eye on your child's mental
well-being by maintaining open communication. Encourage mindfulness practices such as
meditation, journaling, or yoga. Make sure they have time to relax and unwind, and be mindful
of their social needs, arranging playdates or group activities if desired.
5. Creating a Summer Schedule
While summer is about relaxation, having some type of schedule can help provide structure for
your child. Outline daily routines that balance free play with structured activities, rest periods,
and family time. This can help prevent boredom and ensure a well-rounded summer experience.

Too much free-time or structured time can both be unhealthy in surplus so make sure to check-
in with your child to ensure it feels like a healthy mix for them.
6. Family Bonding
Summer is a perfect time to strengthen family bonds. Plan family activities such as camping
trips, game nights, or simply cooking meals together. Use this time to create lasting memories
and enjoy each others company without the pressures of the school year.

Summer offers a unique opportunity for growth, relaxation, and family bonding. By planning
ahead and considering these topics, parents can ensure a fulfilling and enjoyable summer for
their children. Whether it’s through engaging activities, fostering independence, or simply
spending quality time together, the memories made during these months can last a lifetime.